Yerevan in Sight and Sound

Gum Market

Following in the vein of my Tbilisi in Photos post, I now give you Yerevan in Sight and Sound, an assortment of photos and videos that capture the city and feature my absolute favorite thing about the capital: the singing fountains. Every evening in the summer there is a musical extravaganza in Republic Square in which the pools of fountains dance choreographed numbers to music blasted throughout the plaza. You would think something like this would only be attended by tourists (that would certainly be the case in New York), but here the locals seem to outweigh the visitors. It’s a remarkable display of community and unity, and of course, the show is thrilling. I was so obsessed I attended every. single. night. So here’s my farewell (for now) to Yerevan and Armenia.

The Pink City

Republic Square by day
Yes, the Soviets used pink volcanic rock to build Kentron, the central district of Yerevan
Apartments, Yerevan-Style
Flowers overtaking the building

Statues and Stories

Komitas, creator of traditional Armenian music theory
Garegin Nzhdeh
Garegin Nzhdeh, political and military leader during Armenia’s independence from 1918-21
Aram Manoukian
Aram Manoukian, founder of the First Republic of Armenia, receives last minute final touches before his official unveiling


Crowds gather for the unveiling
Artists in the park
Singing Fountains teaser
Football/Soccer in the square

Vegan Yerevan

Beet Burger and slaw
Vegan sushi
Mushroom stir fry


Free water fountains bubble all over Yerevan
Defunct Soviet-era water feature
English Park

The Singing Fountains

The Singing Foutains
The Singing Fountains all aglow
The excitement builds