The Yerevan House Museums: A Museum Junkie’s Delight
Self-Portrait of Martiros Sarian

The Yerevan House Museums: A Museum Junkie’s Delight

You don’t have to read too many of my posts to figure out I love museums. These are the temples where art and history are exalted, so it’s no wonder that a worshipper of these pursuits like me would find such solace there. Instead of creating some Armenian complex of arts and culture, Yerevan has taken a different approach to memorialize their poets, authors, composers, artists and filmmakers: the house museum. Scattered through the capital are over a dozen house museums devoted to cultural icons. You really are given an in-depth look at the lives and creative outputs of these artists. The museum staffs were the icing on the cake, often comprised of relatives of the artists and/or passionate devotees, their enthusiasm helps put over event the driest of material.