Amsterdam Alive: Tulips and Lions and Vegans, Oh My!
Tulips on Museumplein (Museum Square)

Amsterdam Alive: Tulips and Lions and Vegans, Oh My!

My Airbnb host, Edwin, and a fellow traveler also staying at the Airbnb, Nicole, and I were out for dinner and drinks one night and the discussion turned to stereotypes people had about where will live (The Netherlands, California and New York, respectively).

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Vilnius In Photos

It’s that time again to say, “See you later” (not goodbye) to another world capital. Vilnius was the last stop on my trip to Finland and the Baltics and I highly recommend the region. It’s very easy to get around and all four capital cities I visited were…

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Tallinn in Photos

I’ve enjoyed creating these photography-centric posts to cap off my experience in each capital.

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Helsinki in Photos
Chicks and ducks and geese better scurry

Helsinki in Photos

Keeping with my new tradition of ending each city’s posts with a photo spread, I present to you some impressions of Helsinki in picture form.

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Yerevan in Sight and Sound
Gum Market

Yerevan in Sight and Sound

Following in the vein of my Tbilisi in Photos post, I give you now Yerevan in Sight and Sound, an assortment of photos and videos that capture the city and feature my absolutely favorite thing about the capital: the singing fountains

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