A Day Trip to Naxçıvan City Part II
Dövlət Bayrağı Meydanı və Muzey (State Flag Square and Museum)

A Day Trip to Naxçıvan City Part II

  As promised in Part I of my post that let you in on a bit of general history and travel tips for Naxçıvan, here are some suggestions on how to spend a day in Naxçıvan City. If you’re a museum/history/art junkie like me, then Naxçıvan will treat…

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Four Worthwhile Museums in Belgrade

  The National Museum of Serbia has been closed for renovations for well over ten years now. There apparently used to be a countdown clock ticking down to the museum’s re-opening, but even that glimmer of hope was removed several years ago. The outer facade has been restored,…

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