The Cascade, Victory Park and Mother Armenia: Yerevan for Beginners
The Cascade Complex

The Cascade, Victory Park and Mother Armenia: Yerevan for Beginners

There’s so much to see and do in Yerevan- especially if you’re an architecture and museum junkie like me- that it can almost be overwhelming figuring out where to start. The Cascade Complex is Yerevan’s Eiffel Tower or Statue of Liberty and will probably be the first place a hostel staff member will tell you to go, so this is where I’ll begin as well; The Cascade (and modern art museum housed inside) will expose you to Alexander Tamanian, Yerevan’s master architect, and atop is Victory Park and the Mother Armenia Statue, which has a museum about World War II military history and the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. (Yes, we're diving in head first!)