Helsinki in Photos
Chicks and ducks and geese better scurry

Helsinki in Photos

Keeping with my new tradition of ending each city’s posts with a photo spread, I present to you some impressions of Helsinki in picture form.

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Suomenlinna: Helsinki’s World Heritage Site
The military Finnish flag still flies at Suomenlinna

Suomenlinna: Helsinki’s World Heritage Site

Suomenlinna is an 18th-Century fortress and UNESCO World Heritage Site built on six of Helsinki’s 315 islands. Five of the six islands are interconnected by a footbridge, but Suomenlinna can only be reached from the mainland by ferry or water taxi.

Helsinki’s Hot Art Scene
“Graffiti” exhibition at HAM

Helsinki’s Hot Art Scene

Much like Reykjavík, Helsinki has a thriving, if under-publicized art scene. People travel to places like Iceland and Finland seeking natural beauty, but the work on display indoors rivals any forest or glacier out in the wild.

Walking Tour of Central Helsinki
Tuomiokirkko at Sunset

Walking Tour of Central Helsinki

I began my Helsinki posts with an exploration of Seurasaari, one of the capital’s 315 islands, but now I want to put our feet back on solid ground and check out what the mainland has to offer.

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