Modern & Contemporary Art in Belgrade
Modern Serbian Art at the Muzej Zepter (Zepter Museum)

Modern & Contemporary Art in Belgrade

Modern Serbian Art at the Muzej Zepter (Zepter Museum) Muzej Zepter (Zepter Museum) On my first trip to Belgrade, I must have walked past the Zepter Museum a dozen times and didn’t even notice it was there. Situated on Kneza Mihaila (Knez Mihailova Street), Belgrade’s most famous pedestrian-only…

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Vytautas Kasiulis, Street Art & The Užupio Respublika

”Pope on the Cross” at the Vytautas Kasiulis dailės muziejus (art museum) If you’ve been following this blog for any amount of time, you know that exploring the local art scene is a top priority for me everywhere I go. What muses are enchanting the artists of Honduras,…

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Rīga’s Ever-Growing Art Scene is Worth Exploring

I’m willing to bet that if I handed out surveys to one thousand random people in Times Square, asking them to name five European cities with hot art scenes, Rīga would show up very infrequently, if at all. That’s a shame because the Latvian capital has a lot…

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Helsinki’s Hot Art Scene
“Graffiti” exhibition at HAM

Helsinki’s Hot Art Scene

Much like Reykjavík, Helsinki has a thriving, if under-publicized art scene. People travel to places like Iceland and Finland seeking natural beauty, but the work on display indoors rivals any forest or glacier out in the wild.