Dublin Grab Bag
Modern art on display at The Hugh Lane Gallery

Dublin Grab Bag

  Dublin is a city rich in three of my favorite things: history, art and green spaces. It’s easy to take in all three without leaving the city center. If you only have one day in Dublin, here’s a great whirlwind way to hit the highlights. St. Stephen’s…

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Reykjavík’s Art Scene, Part III
Einar Jónsson’s “Thor Wrestling With Age”

Reykjavík’s Art Scene, Part III

  I’m starting to think I need to create a new blog just to cover the tremendous amount of art in Reykjavík. If you missed the first two installments, check out Part I and Part II. In Part III of this series, I’ll be discussing some outdoor (read: free)…

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Reykjavík’s Art Scene, Part II
Harpa’s glass wall from the outside

Reykjavík’s Art Scene, Part II

  Reykjavík’s art scene can’t be contained by a single post, so I’m back with Part II, which will feature the National Gallery, Culture House, Harpa Concert Hall and the National Theatre. If you missed Part I on the Reykjavík Art Museum, check it out HERE. Listasafn Íslands…

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Reykjavík’s Art Scene, Part I
Ásmundur Sveinsson’s masterpiece Vatnsberinn (Water Carrier), finally relocated to Reykjavík’s city center

Reykjavík’s Art Scene, Part I

  Despite already holding the title of political and economic hub of Iceland for well over a century, it wasn't until the 1950’s when Reykjavík could be labeled as anything more than a large village. Over the next 50 years the capital transformed into a true metropolis; now…

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