Public Buses of the Abşeron Peninsula Part III
Tower of Mərdəkan qalası (Mərdəkan Castle) that offers views as far as Baku city and the Caspian Sea

Public Buses of the Abşeron Peninsula Part III

  Qala to Mərdəkan (Before reading this post, make sure you check out Part I and Part II of my trek around the Abşeron.) By this point in the day I couldn’t drink water fast enough to counteract the amount of sweat streaming out of my pores, and…

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Public Buses of the Abşeron Peninsula Part II
Camels at the Archaeological and Ethnographic Museum Complex in Qala

Public Buses of the Abşeron Peninsula Part II

  Suraxanı to Qala Picking up my Abşeron Adventure where I left off in Part I, the next step was for me to figure out where in the hell I could find Bus 104 heading in the direction of Bakı Ekspo Mərkezi (Baku Expo Center). Someone at the…

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Public Buses of the Abşeron Peninsula Part I
One of five flames always burning at Atəşgah məbədi (Atashgah Temple) in Suraxanı

Public Buses of the Abşeron Peninsula Part I

  The Abşheron Peninsula: From Koroğlu to Suraxanı While the most popular day trip from Baku is a drive down to Qobustan, a city south of the capital that boasts both millennia-old petroglyphs and active mud volcanoes, I decided to spend the day I always set aside for excursions…

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